
Anti-Soviet Movements in 1956

NOTE: this topic is a key topic on the AQA and Edexcel specifications.  It is NOT a stated topic on the OCR specification, but is relevant backgound knowledge.



Imagine a class with a really tough and nasty teacher.  After a while, that teacher leaves, and a less stern, more reasonable teacher takes over

Will behaviour in the class get better, or worse?


Stalin's death, followed so quickly by Khrushchev's apparent 'thaw', destabilised the Iron Curtain countries.  In 1956, Khrushchev faced crises in a number of countries which were destalinising.



1.  Poland, 1956

In Poland, a number of political prisoners were set free.  At the same time, a bad harvest led to unrest.

Railway workers led a protest of people calling for ‘Cheap Bread’ and ‘Higher Wages’.  When the police shot some of the marchers, there was a riot.  Government officials were killed.  Mr Gomulka, (who had been in prison) took power. 

Khrushchev sent Russian troops into Poland to put down the rebels.  But he left Gomulka in power – Gomulka continued the process of destalinisation, but he kept Poland loyal to Russia and the Warsaw Pact.


2.  Czechoslovakia

At the Writers' Congress in 1956, several authors criticized the political repression in Czechoslovakia, and on May Day of 1956 students held demonstrations in Prague and Bratislava, demanding freedom of speech and access to the Western press.

The President of Czechoslovakia, Novotny, suppressed the movement and reinforced a hard-line Stalinist regime.




1.  Did the Polish Uprising of 1956 fail?


3.  Hungary, 1956


The underlying cause of the Hungarian revolution was that the Hungarians hated Russian communism.  On top of this, there was:

  •  Poverty

    Hungarians were poor, yet much of the food and industrial goods they produced was sent to Russia.

  •  Russian Control

    The Hungarians were very patriotic, and they hated Russian control – which included censorship, a vicious secret police (called the AVH after 1948) and Russian control of what the schools taught.

  •  Catholic Church

    The Hungarians were religious, but the Communist Party had banned religion, and put the leader of the Catholic Church - Cardinal Mindszenty - in prison.

  •  Help from the West?

    Hungarians thought that the United Nations or the new US president, Eisenhower, would help them.

  •  Destalinisation

    When the Communist Party tried to destalinise Hungary, things got out of control.  The Hungarian leader Rakosi asked for permission to arrest 400 trouble-makers, but Khrushchev would not let him; Rakosi resigned in July 1956, but it did not stop the brewing resentment.


Going Deeper


Hungarian Revolution:

Photos of the revolution

BBC Bitesize 

The story of the Hungarian Revolution - narrative

Two important source documents.


- Giles Hill on the Hungarian Revolution

The end of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising  - BBC Witness History



  Hungarian Revolution Documentary - really clear, detailed narrative of events.

  British Pathé film clip (good for images of the conflict ... but does it present a correct interpretation of what happened?)



On 23 October, there were riots of students, workers and soldiers.  They smashed up the statue of Stalin, and attacked the AVH and Russian soldiers.

On 24 October, Imre Nagy (pronounced: ‘Nodj’) took over as Prime Minister.  He asked Khrushchev to take out the Russian troops.

On 28 October, Khrushchev agreed, and the Russian army pulled out of Budapest.

29 October – 3 November: The new Hungarian government introduced democracy, freedom of speech, and freedom of religion (Mindszenty was freed from prison).  Nagy also announced that Hungary was going to leave the Warsaw Pact.

On 4 November, at dawn, 1000 Russian tanks rolled into Budapest.  By 8.10 am they had destroyed the Hungarian army and captured Hungarian Radio – its last words broadcast were ‘Help!Help! Help”!’ Hungarian people – even children – fought them with machine guns.  4000 Hungarians killed fighting the Russians.


Numbers are notoriously hard for historians.  Western textbooks published before 1989 said that the Russians killed 30,000 Hungarian people.  Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, Russian and Hungarian documents have come to light which have led historians to revise the figure to c.4000 Hungarians killed fighting the Russians, and up to 300 executed afterwards.


Khrushchev put in Janos Kadar, a supporter of Russia, as Prime Minister, who restored Soviet control/repression.


Source A

We are quiet, not afraid.  Send the news to the world and say it should condemn the Russians.  The fighting is very close now and we haven’t enough guns.

What is the United Nations doing? Give us a little help.  We will hold out to our last drop of blood.  The tanks are firing now...

The last message – a telex from a newspaper journalist – from Hungary.


FIVE reasons Khrushchev acted harshly:

1.  Nagy’s decision to leave the Warsaw Pact – Russia was determined to keep its ‘buffer’ of states. 

2.  China asked Russia to act to stop Communism being damaged. 

3.  Nagy had obviously lost control; Hungary was not destalinising – it was turning capitalist. 

4.  Hard-liners in Russia forced Khrushchev to act. 

5.  Khrushchev thought, correctly, that the West would not help Hungary.


TWO reasons the West did not help:

1.  Britain and France were involved in the Suez crisis in Egypt and unable to respond.  Meanwhile, the US did not feel able to prevent the USSR imposing its will on Hungary, when Britain and France were trying to do the same in Egypt.

2.  Eisenhower did not think Hungary worth a world war; When the UN suggested an investigation, Russia used its veto to stop



    In Hungary

  • Soviet control reasserted; Kadar remained in power until 1988.

  • Repression: Thousands arrested, perhaps 300 executed. Nagy was arrested and executed in 1958.  Cardinal Mindszenty spent the next 15 years hiding in the US embassy.

  • 200,000 Hugarians fled to the west, including many skilled workers and intellectuals.  Hungary lost a generation of young people; the damage to the economy was severe.

  • Economy also damaged by the indiscriminate firing of tanks in the industrial districts, where the resistance was greatest.

  • Lessons learned = Kadar introduced gradual reforms – 'goulash communism'.

  • Internationally

  • Russia stayed in control behind the Iron Curtain – no other country tried to get rid of Russian troops until Czechoslovakia in 1968.

  • People in the West were horrified – many British Communists left the Communist Party.

  • US failed to help, fearing nuclear war; UN resolutions vetoed by USSR = the Iron Curtain countries abandoned to their fate.

  • The West realised it could do nothing about the Iron Curtain countries – 'rollback' had failed, but this made Western leaders even more determined to ‘contain’ communism.

  • The memory of 1956 influenced later uprisings, including the Prague Spring (1968) and the revolutions of 1989.


Source B

A British cartoon from the time.  Notice:

•  The Communist Hammer and Sickle emblem on the soldier's helmet.

•  The wreath from the United Nations with the label: 'Help for Hungary - a resolution from UNO [United Nations organisation]'.

What is the cartoon saying?


Did You Know?

What made the Hungarian revolution so heart-rending was the desperate bravery of the rebels.  One journalist found a little girl of 12, dead, armed with a machine gun.


The Russian invasion of Hungary
A Hungarian joke

In Budapest in 1956 the Hungarian uprising has been crushed by Russian tanks and the city was in ruins.  On the battered buildings, government posters show the friendly assistance given to Hungary by the Soviet Union. 

Two men meet on the street. 

'You know come to think of it, we Hungarians are very lucky people.'

' What? You don’t mean you’ve become one of them?'

'Oh no, but just think.  The Russians came here as friends.  Imagine what they’d have done if they came here as enemies!'



2.  Study Source B.  Discuss as a class: 'The West was responsible for the deaths in Hungary, not the Russians'. 

3.  Why was Hungary a so-much-more bloody affair than Poland?


  • AQA-style Questions

      3.  Write an account of how events in Hungary became an international crisis during 1956.


  • Edexcel-style Questions

      1.  Explain two consequences of the death of Stalin in 1953.

      2.  Write a narrative account analysing the key events of the Hungarian Uprising in 1956 (mentioning Imre Nagy and Soviet tanks)

      3.  Explain the importance of the events in Hungary in 1956 for the development of the Cold War.

