The following websites will help you:
OCR textbook
OCR Sources book
Essential: Dexter Hoyos's introduction to
Livy: Hannibal's War Books21-30 is difficult, but covers most of your specification
Recommended: Richard A Gabriel's
Hannibal: The Military Biography of Rome's Greatest Enemy is easy-reading
and erudite
Watch the BBC documentary
Rome's Worst Nightmare - but see if you can spot any mistakes!
Or read
Hannibal goes to Rome - Hannibal's story in cartoon form!
Finally, these are the links to the blog-articles I have written about
• Polybius, τύχη and παράδοξον
• What DID Polybius mean by: πραγματικῆς ἱστορίας?
The Saguntum Outrage and the Causes of the Second Punic War
• What Was Hannibal's Route Over The Alps?
• Did Hannibal Have Any War Aims – And If So What Were
• Livy's Battles
Hannibal and his Elephants - An Ineradicable Myth?
• Was Hannibal a military genius? OR Why did the Romandlose
at Cannae?
• Fabius Maximus - an exercise in Roman propaganda
The meeting between Hannibal and Scipio at Naragarra