
Stalin’s Takeover of Eastern Europe



    •  Weak.

          ◦  But NB: USA worked w. League in 1930s (eg opposed Manchukuo, Chaco War, Abyssinia) … ie this is not main reason.


Stalin annexed (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) + E. Poland as Red Army pushed the Nazis back(1944-45).

By 1946-47, Communist govts in all E. European states occupied by USSR.

    •  Churchill feared Soviet expansion during WW2 → clashed w. Stalin at Tehran (1943).

    •  1944: Churchill met Stalin in Moscow → ‘’ (split influence in E. Europe: eg. Romania 90-10, Greece 10-90, Hungary 50-50).

    •  Stalin later took full control of states but kept promise to stay out of Greece.

       "What is surprising about the fact that the Soviet Union, , wants governments friendly to it in Finland, Poland and Romania?" (Stalin, 1946_


How did Stalin take control?

Hungarian Communist Rakosi: called it ‘’ → eliminating opposition bit-by-bit:

    •  Albania (1945): Communists took power w/o opposition.

    •  Bulgaria (1945): Left-wing coalition won; Communists opposition leaders.

    •  Poland (1947): Coalition gov. in 1945; Stalin arrested non-Communists + forced them into .

    •  Romania (1945–47): Left-wing coalition elected in 1945; Communists gradually took over.

    •  Hungary (1947): USSR troops remained after 1945.

          ◦  Elections held, but (pro-USSR) pressured opposition.

          ◦  Gained control of police → (brutal secret police) arrested Smallholders Party members.

          ◦  Gen. Sec. Béla Kovács to USSR, PM Ferenc Nagy (son threatened).

          ◦  By 1947, Rakosi had full control.

    •  Czechoslovakia (1945–48): Left-wing coalition in 1945; Communists /killed opponents (1948).

    •  E. Germany (1949): USSR turned its zone into German Democratic Republic.