THE RED SCARE of the 1920s

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a.  Anti-immigrant sentiment, Nativism and Isolationism: WWI caused a surge in patriotic and nationalist sentiments, and hatred of ideologies perceived as . People feared that immigrants, especially those from Southern and Eastern Europe, were communists and .
b.  Labour Unrest: Economic Instability and inflation after WWI led to strikes in 1919 alone, including the Seattle General Strike and the Boston Strike.
c.  Anarchist Bombings: A series of bombings carried out by anarchists in 1919, including one on , attempts on the lives of government officials and businessmen, intensified fear of radical leftist violence.
d.  Russian Revolution and International Communism: Probably the main cause was the successful Revolution in Russia in 1917, and the formation of Comintern in 1919 to promote worldwide communist revolution, whch caused widespread fear in the United States that a similar revolution might occur on American soil.
e.  Media sensationalism: Newspapers spread fear by exaggerating the threat of communist infiltration and danger. The government and private organizations distributed propaganda that depicted radicals as dangerous and un-American, reinforcing public fears.

1.  Government agencies, such as the FBI, conducted extensive surveillance of suspected radicals and infiltrated radical groups.
2 Raids: Led by Attorney General A.Mitchell Palmer, these raids took place in 1919-1920 and arrested – mostly without warrants— 6,000 trade unionists, Jews, Catholics and black people suspected of being radicals, anarchists, and communist, across 36 US cities.
3.  Treason laws: The Espionage Act of 1917 and of 1918: were used to prosecute individuals deemed a threat to national security.
4.  Deportations: Thousands of people suspected of radical activities were deported under the of 1918, the government deported numerous immigrants., including the anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman.
5.  High-profile Trials: High-profile cases such as the Massacre Trial, the Sacco and Vanzetti case and the Bridgman Trials, though hoping to reassure the public, in fact just made the scare worse and heightened anti-radical sentiment.
6.  Immigration Quotas: the Emergency Quota Act of 1921 and the Reed-Johnson Act of 1924: imposed strict on immigrants from certain countries, reflecting fears of radical ideologies entering the U.S.
7.  Americanisation: the government organised programme aimed at Americanising immigrants.
8.  Employers used the Red Scare to justify anti-union activities and to fire ‘troublemakers’. Immigrants experienced discrimination, especially from .
9.  Civil Liberties: The American Union was founded in 1920 to challenge the violations of civil liberties during the Red Scare, though it met with little success during the 1920s.

•  On , Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti were arrested for an armed robbery at a shoe factory in Massachusetts, in which two people had died
•  Sacco and Vanzetti were Italian immigrants, and both anarchists
•  At their trial in May 1921, although 61 people identified them, witnesses testified that they were elsewhere at the time; those witnesses were not believed because they were .
  evidence found that a gun found on Sacco had been used in the murders, but both the gun and bullet had been tampered with
•  There was no direct evidence connecting either of the men to the crime
•  They were found guilty and sentenced to death
•  In 1925 a man awaiting trial for murder to the shooting, and stated that Sacco and Vanzetti were not involved; Judge denied a retrial
•  There were worldwide protests. Italian dictator Mussolini intervened in their defence. The IWW union called a 3-day strike.
•  Appeals for clemency were rejected, and they were executed in .