The following is taken from a very long and difficult article
by the historian Paul Flewers,
War Communism in Retrospect, formerly posted at
http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk It looks at the different
reasons suggested by historians of why the Bolsheviks introduced War
War Communism in Retrospect
by Paul Flewers
WAR COMMUNISM IS generally considered to be the overall policy of the Soviet
government from the late spring of 1918 until early 1921. It is associated
with the state control and nationalisation of industry, the attempts to
eradicate private trade and to replace it by non-market methods of exchange,
the coalescence of non-party and party organisations and state institutions,
and the rise of compulsion and coercion in social relations.
Authorities differ as to the rationale behind War Communism. Some view it as
the result of the Bolsheviks’ preconceived desire to drive immediately
forward to the suppression of capitalism. Robert Conquest considers that War
Communism was entirely in line with Bolshevik precepts, and that "far from
being a ‘war’ measure the ‘War Communism’ policy was a conscious attempt to
create a new social order".1 Evan Mawdsley says that War
Communism "was essentially the economic policy of victorious Bolshevism".
The nationalisation of industry, the establishment of food detachments, and
the restrictions upon private trade "had been developing at the centre and
in the grass roots since the early winter of 1917-18". Furthermore: "The
fact that the policies did not all come into force immediately after October
was not due to any early moderation ... but simply to the fact that it took
the new government a certain amount of time to gain a measure of control
over the country."2 Paul Craig Roberts says that the policies of
War Communism "were implicit in the doctrine of revolutionary Marxian
socialism", and "constituted a Marxian economic programme".3
Others view War Communism as originating in a series of emergency measures
introduced to deal with the increasingly difficult economic and military
situation, but which was then justified in ideological terms. Isaac
Deutscher says that the "desperate shifts and expedients" of food
requisitioning, nationalisation and trade restrictions "looked to the party
like an unexpectedly rapid realisation of its own programme": "The Bolshevik
was therefore inclined to see the essential features of fully-fledged
communism embodied in the war economy of 1918-19."4 Moshe Lewin
says that when the Bolshevik leaders found themselves in a position "in
which all the allegedly ‘capitalist’ mechanisms began to disintegrate under
the strains of war", they "fell prey to the illusion that the dream [of
socialism] was becoming real".5
Alec Nove stands in between these two interpretations, and considers that
the drift into War Communism was due to the chronic decline and chaos in the
industrial sector, and to the collapse of food supplies to the cities, and
he warns against interpreting the regime’s "ideological garb" for their
actions as a preconceived plan. Nonetheless, the ideological side cannot be
ignored: "Indeed, it is quite clear that Lenin and his friends approached
practical issues with a whole number of idées fixes, and that these
influenced their behaviour. The consequences of actions inspired by ideas
could influence events by further worsening the objective situation and
therefore rendering further action necessary on empirical grounds. And so
on. There was a process of interaction between circumstances and
Lenin veered between the ideological and pragmatic explanations. Looking
back in October 1921, he said that by the previous spring "it became evident
that we had suffered defeat in our attempt to introduce the socialist
principles of production and distribution by 'direct assault', that is, in
the shortest, quickest and most direct way".7 Only a few months
previously he said that the Bolsheviks had been living "in the conditions of
a savage war that imposed an unprecedented burden on us and left us no
choice but to take wartime measures in the economic sphere as well".8
Trotsky considered that War Communism was "the systematic regimentation of
consumption in a besieged fortress", as the Soviet government put all the
"scanty resources" of the country into supporting the war industries and
keeping the city populations alive, but that the Soviet government also
intended to develop such "methods of regimentation" directly into a planned
economy. He adds, however, that this "theoretical mistake", these "utopian
hopes", were due to the Bolsheviks banking on the early victory of
proletarian revolutions in Western Europe, and that the Soviet republic
would soon receive aid from the socialist regimes in those more advanced
1. R. Conquest, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the
Terror Famine, 1986, p.48.
2. E. Mawdsley, The Russian Civil War, 1989, p.74, original emphasis.
3. P.C. Roberts, "War Communism: A Re-Examination", Slavic Review,
Vol.29, No.2, June 1970, p.245.
4. I. Deutscher, The Prophet Armed: Trotsky 1879-1921, 1979, p.489.
5. M. Lewin, Political Undercurrents in Soviet Economic Debates: From
Bukharin to the Modern Reformers, 1975, p.81.
6. A. Nove, An Economic History of the USSR, 1982, pp.47-8, original
7. Lenin, "Report on the New Economic Policy", Collected Works,
Vol.33, 1976, p.93.
8. Lenin, "Report on the Substitution of a Tax in Kind for the Surplus Grain
Appropriation System", Collected Works, Vol.32, 1975, pp.219-20.
9. Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed, 1973, pp.21-3. Victor Serge
later said: "The social system in these years was later called ‘War
Communism’. At the time it was called simply ‘communism’, and anyone who,
like myself, went so far as to consider it purely temporary was looked upon
with disdain." (V. Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1978, p.115)