The First World War |
Contents:3. The Schlieffen Plan - Historiography 5. Search for a Solution - Gallipoli: A Second Front 6. Search for a Solution - Improvements 7. Verdun - Start of the War of Attrition (maybe) 9. The Somme 11. The War at Sea 13. End of the War 14. Haig and Foch - Historiography 15. WWI Cascade 16. Self-test
Going DeeperThe following links will help you widen your knowledge: Guardian Interactive: excellent media footage with historians' commentating is a massive mutlimedia source of information, which will allow you to chase up almost anything you get interested in A BBC collection of interviews filmed in the 1960s
Old texts: PJ Larkin (1965) Peter Moss (1967) Noman Lowe (1988) John D Clare (1995)
Click the yellow arrow for advice on:
Revision MaterialsRevision pages
Revision sheets: • The War, End of the War
Smartass: list of specialist terms
Audio-Revise: Western Front List Three from Hodder - pausing the audio, give your answer before you listen to that of the contestant
Revision Activities: • Life in the Trenches (pdf) • Tell Me Why (pdf)