- Who did the Americans elect as their President in 1961?
- Which two places in the Far East did Kennedy finance anti-communist fighters?
- How many refugees had fled to West Berlin by 1961? Why was this bad for Russia?
- 3 million:
- It was an embarrassment because it showed Communism was NOT better for people.
- Many of the people who fled were skilled workers.
- What did Khrushchev demand at the Vienna summit of June 1961?
- That the Americans leave West Berlin.
- What date did Khrushchev begin to build the Berlin Wall?
- Why did Khrushchev say he built the wall?
- The Americans were using West Berlin as a base for spies and sabotage.
- When did Fidel Castro come to power in Cuba?
- What did his 1960 trade agreement with Russia say?
- Cuba sent sugar to Russia in return for oil, machines and money.
- What did Castro do to America companies in 1961 which angered America?
- What was the name for the failed invasion of Cuba in 1961. Why was it an embarrassment for Kennedy?
- Bay of Pigs: although the CIA supported the invasion, it failed miserably.
- What did a U-2 spy-plane discover on Cuba in October 1962?
- What were Kennedy’s FIVE options, and which did he choose?
- Nuclear strike
- Conventional attack
- Work through UN
- Do nothing
- Mount a naval blockade – this is what he chose to do, at a meeting on 16 October 1962.
- What did Khrushchev accuse America of?
- Piracy, and trying to destroy humankind.
- What deal was done between Kennedy and Khrushchev?
- Khrushchev dismantled the Cuban bases publicly; Turkey dismantled the Turkish bases secretly.
- What event during the crisis (27 Oct) almost caused a nuclear war?
- An American U-2 spy-plane was shot down by the Cubans.
- What did the two leaders set up after the Missiles Crisis to prevent another such crisis?
- What agreement began a detente in 1963?
- When was Khrushchev dismissed from the Soviet Politburo, and why?
- 1964, for his “harebrained” and “adventurist” schemes
- Who took over the leadership of the Soviet Union in 1964?
- Leonid Brezhnev (Foreign Minister), Alexei Kosygin (Premier) and Yuri Andropov (Head of the KGB – the Soviet Secret Police)
- When did Albania leave the Warsaw Pact?
- Who was the hard-line leader of Albania 1945-85?
- Which Romanian leader forged a friendship with China, rather than Russia?
- How was the USSR a ‘weak hegemon’ in 1968?
- Its leadership was divided,
- pressured by its Polish and East German counterparts,
- seriously troubled by Romanian dissent and
- worried about domestic developments
- Who does American sociologist Jerome Karabel blame for the Prague Spring?
- Name one Czech newspaper which led the criticism of the Regime
- Literarni Noviny (or Kulturnv Zivot, or Kulturni Tvorba)
- Which banned Czech writer was celebrated at a conference in Liblice in 1963?
- What did the Congress of the Union of Czechoslovak Writers demand in 1967
- Freedom of expression and democracy
- How did the Communist government of Czechoslovakia damage small businesses in 1953?
- A devaluation in 1953 reduced the koruna to one-fiftieth of its value
- What did the Czechoslovak government admit in 1962?
- That its Five-Year Plan had failed
- Who introduced the ‘New Economic Model’ in 1965, and why was it a disaster?
- Deputy Premier Ota Sik; it encouraged people to ask for political reform
- Why did many Czechs hate the Soviet Union?
- In the midst of the economic crisis, large amounts of goods - notably uranium – were sent to the Soviet Union without payment.
- What was the name for the Czech Secret Police?
- STB: Státní bezpečnost (‘State Security’)
- Who was the failing President of Czechoslovakia in 1967 and how was he deposed?
- Antonin Novotny – he asked Brezhnev for help, but Brezhnev sided with his opponents.
- What did Dubcek call his April 1968 Action Programme of reform?
- Socialism with a human face
- Name THREE things the Programme of Reform included.
- a free-market economy,
- freedom of speech;
- freedom of religion;
- the right to join a trade union;
- freedom of travel to the West;
- a reduction of the powers of the secret police;
- elections;
- to set up a new National Assembly (Parliament) where the Communists would not be the only Party.
- What publication alarmed Soviet politicians on 17 June 1968
- Ludvík Vaculík's Two Thousand Words was published, criticising the Czech Communist Party and calling for democracy and reform
- What did Dubcek promise at the 3 August Bratislava Conference?
- the reforms were loyal Marxism–Leninism;
- to suppress any ‘anti-socialist’ movements;
- Czechoslovakia did not intend to leave the Warsaw Pact
- What warning sign did Dubcek ignore on 13 August?
- Brezhnev phoned Dubcek expressing his "alarm" that the Czechoslovak press was still attacking Communism and the Soviet Union
- With what did the Warsaw Pact invade Czechoslovakia on 20 August 1968?
- 500,000 troops and 200 tanks
- Who took over from Dubcek in Czechoslovakia?
- Who burned himself to death in protest?
- What was the Brezhnev Doctrine?
- That socialist countries had the right to suppress counter-revolutionary forces in any other socialist country
- Which Soviet leader used the hotline during the 1967 Six Day War?
- Alexei Kosygin – to propose that the two nations use their influence to achieve a ceasefire
- What treaty was signed in 1968?
- The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty agreed to restrict nuclear weapons technology to the US, the USSR, China, France and Great Britain
- In 1969 the USA was losing the war in Vietnam; how did this help detente?
- The USA needed the Soviet Union to influence North Vietnam to bring about peace
- What economic problems was the USA facing in the early 1970s?
Stagflation and the Oil Crisis
- What was the Nixon Doctrine?
- That, beyond existing treaties, it was up to each country to defend itself against communism
- How did Henry Kissinger help détente?
- He used ‘shuttle diplomacy’ and ‘triangular diplomacy’.
- What was the Soviet government ideologically inclined to razryadka ?
- It was a Leninist concept
- What percentage of the Soviet GNP was spent on armaments?
- What developments of the 1960s had made the USSR feel more confident?
- The USSR had caught up with the USA in nuclear weapons;
- the USSR had greater conventional forces;
- the Berlin Wall and Czechoslovakia had stabilised the Warsaw Pact;
- France signed a trade agreement in 1964;
- West Germany’s Ostpolitik policy
- What economic and social problems was the USSR facing?
- Agriculture could not feed the population;
- industrial growth was slowing;
- corruption and the black market;
- housing crisis;
- alcoholism;
- dumping of industrial waste;
- ‘dissidence’.
- How had China alarmed Russia in 1969?
- Armed conflict had broken out along the Sino-Soviet border, which for a time raised the prospect of nuclear war
- What started a US-China détente in 1971?
- What 1972 agreement sealed a US-China détente, and what did it agree?
- Shanghai Communique:
- peace,
- better trade and cultural contacts;
- the USA would ‘dump’ Taiwan.
- What 1972 agreement with the USSR did Nixon regard as one of his greatest achievements?
- The ‘Basic Principles of Relations Between the USA and the USSR’
- What did SALT1 agree in 1972?
- The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty construction of new ICBMs
- Which treaty reconciled the Soviet Union to West Germany?
- Which treaty reconciled East Germany and West Germany?
- Why was 1975 the year of détente in space?
- American and Soviet astronauts docked their Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft together
- In what 1975 agreement did the USSR promise to regard human rights?