Why was south-east Asia valuable to the West?
Sugar, rubber, tobacco, coconut, tin and oil
What two ideas took hold in the colonies of south-east Asia during the Second World War?
Nationalism and Communism
Where was the Southeast Asian Youth Conference held and when?
Calcutta, in February 1948
What seems to have been planned at the Southeast Asian Youth Conference?
Uprisings in Malaya, Burma, Indonesia and the Philippines
What were the communist protests in Thailand in 1952 called?
What was the Chinese Nationalist movement/government called?
Who was their leader?
Who was the Chinese Communist leader?
When was the communist ‘People’s Republic of China’ proclaimed?
What agreement did Mao sign in December 1949, and with whom?
The Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance with the USSR
Where did China conquer in 1950?
At what parallel was Korea divided
Democratic People’s Republic and the Democratic Republic of Korea – which was which?
Democratic Republic of Korea: South Korea (pro-western)
- Democratic People’s Republic: North Korea (communist)
Who were the two leaders of North and South Korea after the partition?
North: Kim Il Sung
- South: Syngman Rhee
Name the two communist rebellions against South Korea in the years 196-1950.
Daegu Uprising (October 1946)
- Jeju Island (April 1948)
What name was given to the communist freedom-fighters against the Japanese in Indo-China during WWII?
Who were their two leaders
Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap
Who broke the ceasefire of March 1946, and when?
The French, in November 1946
What strategic outpost in Vietnam did the communist capture which brought the war to an end?
At what parallel was Vietnam divided
Who became the US-backed ruler of South Vietnam in 1954
Who coined the terms ‘domino theory’
What US foreign policy strategy did NSC68 recommend to end – and what to put in its place?
National Security Council report NSC 68 recommending that America abandon 'containment' and start 'rolling back' Communism
When did Kim Il Sung visit Stalin, and how did this help cause of the Korean War?
March 1949 – he persuaded Stalin t support an invasion of South Korea
What excuse did Syngman Rhee give to the North Koreans?
He boasted that he was going to attack North Korea
When did the North Korean People's Army invade South Korea?
What did the UN do?
It passed a resolution supporting South Korea (27 June 1950)
Who led the UN counter-attack, and where did it land?
American General MacArthur led a UN amphibious landing at Inchon (15 September 1950)
Who went to the aid of the North Koreans?
Half-a-million Chinese soldiers
What did Eisenhower threaten?
To use the atomic bomb if China did not stop fighting.
When was a truce finally agreed?
- When did Stalin die? Who became the new leader of Russia
- What were the meetings between the superpower leaders called?
- What did Khrushchev tell Tito in 1955?
- ‘There are different roads to Communism.’
- What did Khrushchev say about Stalin in 1956?
- He said he was a murderer and a tyrant.
- What was Khrushchev’s policy called? What did he really mean by it?
- ‘Peaceful co-existence’: but he meant ‘peaceful competition’
- What was de-stalinisation? Why was it dangerous for world peace?
- Political prisoners were set free. It destabilised Iron Curtain countries.
- How did Khrushchev build up support in countries like Afghanistan and Burma?
- What was the first satellite and when was it launched?
- Who was the first astronaut to orbit the earth, and when did he do it?
- When did Russia get the hydrogen bomb?
- What was the military alliance set up by Khrushchev, and what countries were in it?
- Warsaw Pact:
- Albania
- Bulgaria
- Czechoslovakia
- East Germany
- Hungary
- Poland
- Romania.
- Which American senator led a ‘witch-hunt’ for communists in America?
- What did NATO agree to in 1955 in West Germany?
- A West German army of half a million men.
- How did America spy on Russia?
- Name THREE Cold War crises after 1955-60.
- 1956 Poland
- 1956 Hungary
- 1960 U-2 crisis
- Who led the Polish riots of 1956?
- Which Polish Communist kept control of Poland?
- List the FIVE reasons for the Hungarian uprising.
- Poverty
- Russian control
- Catholic Church
- Help from the West
- Destalinisation
- Who rioted in Hungary on 23 October 1956, and what did they do?
- Smashed Stalin’s statue, attacked the AVH and Russian soldiers.
- Who became the Prime Minister of Hungary?
- What FOUR reforms did the rebels order?
- Democracy
- Freedom of speech
- Freedom of religion
- Leave the Warsaw Pact
- What FIVE reasons led Russia to send in the tanks? Which was the most important?
- Hungary wanted to leave the Warsaw Pact: this was the most important.
- China asked Russia to act
- Hungary seemed to be turning capitalist
- Hard-line Communists in the Russian government
- Khrushchev realised the West would not help.
- How many tanks invaded Budapest.
- Why did Britain and France not help Hungary?
- Britain and France were involved in the Suez crisis
- Who was the President of America in 1956? Why did he not help Hungary?
- Eisenhower. He did not think Hungary worth a war.
- Why did the UN not help Hungary?
- Who did Khrushchev put in charge of Hungary?
- How many Hungarians fled to Austria?
- What did Khrushchev demand from America in 1959?
- That America withdraw from West Berlin.
- With whom did Khrushchev argue about kitchens in 1959?
- American Vice-President Richard Nixon.
- What crisis began on 5 May 1960.
- Which summit meeting was ruined because of the crisis?
- Paris Summit, 14 May 1960.