
Four Steps to War June-Aug 1914


1. Austria declares war

Austria-Hungary already hated Serbia – nationalism threatened its empire.

Austrian Gen. called for ‘surprise’ war vs Serbia >25× since 1906 → assassination an excuse to attack.

    •  5 July: Austria got ‘’ from Germany (= full support).

    •  23 July: Austria sent Serbia w. 10 tough demands, expecting rejection & war.

    •  25 July: Serbia accepted all but part of demand 6 → Kaiser Wilhelm: Serbia had ‘capitulated’ = no reason for war.

    •  28 July: Austria declared war anyway.


2. Russia mobilises

At first, Austria had global support, but after Serbia’s response, Austria looked unfair, and ‘war-mad’. Serbia called up army & asked Russia for help.

    •  24 July: Russia’s Grand Council decided to seek a peace conference if Serbia was invaded. Even Rasputin warned war = disaster.

    •  29 July: Tsar Nicholas didn’t want to abandon Serbia again (as in 1908 Bosnian Crisis) → ordered mobilisation.

    •  31 July: Initially only vs Austria-Hungary, but generals said this was impossible → mobilisation incl. vs Germany. Tsar sent Kaiser a : NOT aimed at Germany.


3. Plan – Germany’s response

Germany saw Russian mobilisation as a threat (like ‘a to your head’). It had a pre-planned response: the Schlieffen Plan:

    •  Assumed war = Germany vs France & Russia.

    •  France weak (defeated in 10 weeks in 1870), Russia strong but slow (thought 6 wks to mobilise).

    •  Plan = 90% of German army attack France first, then switch to fight Russia.

Plan ≠ flexible: Germany’s ‘mobilisation’ = . But in 1914, France ≠ mobilising while Russia was. Every day gave Russia time to prepare.

    •  1 Aug: Germany declared war on Russia.

    •  3 Aug: Germany claimed French planes bombed Nuremberg → declared war on France.

    •  4 Aug: Germany invaded France → France declared war.


4. Britain declares war

Britain’s Foreign Sec. Edward Grey tried to negotiate.

    •  1 Aug: Grey proposed if didn’t attack France Britain would stay . Kaiser wanted to agree, but generals unable to halt invasion.

    •  2 Aug: Schlieffen Plan had an error – Germany planned invasion of France via Belgium. Asked for permission, Belgium refused.

    •  3 Aug: Germany invaded Belgium.

    •  4 Aug: Britain had to protect Belgium (1839 ). Sent ultimatum: withdraw by midnight. Germany refused.

At 11 pm in London, crowds chanted ‘War! War! War!’

Grey: ‘The all over Europe; we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime.’