Russia, 1894-1945 |
Contents:The end of Tsardom 2. Problems in Nicholas II's Russia 3. Late Imperial Russia - Historiography 5. Why was there a Revolution in February 1917? 6. The February Revolution - Historiography
Lenin's new society 10. Civil War 11. NEP Stalin's USSR 16. Collectivisation 17. 5-Year Plans 19. Impact of WW2 21. Stalin's Russia - Historiography
Going DeeperThe following links will help you widen your knowledge: Simple Chat GPT summaries: Easier Harder (pdfs) Notes on 1918-39 - from The Corner (pdf) BBC Bitesize pages - 1881-1921 Old Bitesize - on the WaybackMachine: slow but worth it
Multimedia & YouTube AQA GCSE-relevant videos - variable quality
Old texts History Alive 4 (1967) - by Peter Moss
Click the yellow arrow for advice on:
Revision MaterialsRevision pages • Cascades on 1894-1924 (pdf) and 1924-1945 (pdf)
Revision sheets: • Revision booklet - Classroom42 • Pearson have made the first 20 pages of their revision book available here
Smartass: list of specialist terms
Audio-Revise: Russia List Three and Russia Headines revision podcasts from Hodder - pausing the audio, try to answer before you listen to that of the contestant
Revision Activities: • Why did Nicholas II fall from power? - Analysis (pdf) • Why was the revolution of March 1917 successful? - Cause-Consequence (pdf) • Collapse of the Tsarist regime - Prove it! (pdf) • The October coup - Explain (pdf) • Bolshevik Rise to Power - Mismatches (pdf) • Life under the Bolsheviks - Explain (pdf) • Stalin's Rise to Power - Sequencing (pdf) • Stalin v Trotsky - Acrostic (pdf) • Stalin's dictatorship - Tell Me Why (pdf) • How well did Stalin create a dictatorship? - Suits card sort (pdf) • The impact of Stalin's economic policies? - Swingometer (pdf) • Did Stalin make the USSR a great economic power? - Jeopardy (pdf)