For Hitler & the Nazis, Nazi rule aimed to create a – a 'people's community' based on race, Nazi principles & proper behaviour. If not embraced willingly, it would be imposed by force. Society was centred on an Aryan ('master race'), excluding groups seen as racially, politically, biologically, or socially unacceptable.
How did Nazi rule affect Germans?
The Nazi state affected different groups differently. Life for the majority was good, leading many to ignore the horrific treatment of excluded groups.
1. Nazi Party members
• Enjoyed privileges: best houses, govt jobs, power over others.
• Businessmen in the Nazi Party got lucrative govt contracts.
2. Ordinary people
Life was generally good for many ordinary Germans:
• Full employment via work programmes & KdF ().
• No visible poverty, financial security, improved transport (autobahns).
For Hitler & the Nazis, Nazi rule aimed to create a VOLKSGEMEINSCHAFT – a 'people's community' based on race, Nazi principles & proper behaviour. If not embraced willingly, it would be imposed by force. Society was centred on an Aryan HERRENKLASSE ('master race'), excluding groups seen as racially, politically, biologically, or socially unacceptable.
How did Nazi rule affect Germans?
The Nazi state affected different groups differently. Life for the majority was good, leading many to ignore the horrific treatment of excluded groups.
1. Nazi Party members
• Enjoyed privileges: best houses, govt jobs, power over others.
• Businessmen in the Nazi Party got lucrative govt contracts.
2. Ordinary people
Life was generally good for many ordinary Germans:
• Full employment via work programmes & KdF (STRENGTH THROUGH JOY).
• No visible poverty, financial security, improved transport (autobahns).