What the poem '6 O'Clock News' is about...
Strangely, this is a really easy poem to understand!!!
Here is the question: have you ever 'looked down on' someone who didn't 'talk proper'? Have you ever treated the words of someone who 'talked posh' with more respect than someone else who didn't speak with the 'right' accent?
Well, this is a reply to THAT kind of attitude by someone who doesn't 'talk proper'!
It's the kind of short, aggressive reply that you or I might give to someone who dismissed what we had to say simply because of the way we said it ...
LinksMain Sources BBC Bitesize - simple explanation Andrew Moore's REALLY clear and detailed explanation
Other websites Mike Ferguson - brief comment
this is thi
BBC accent
mi ti talk wanna yoo 15 scruff. if
a toktaboot |
widny thingk |
ThemesPossible themes you might be asked about include: Identity Feelings about people Feelings about places Language and dialect, how people talk. Other cultures, customs and traditions - way of life spiritually and materially. Beliefs and rituals Different attitudes and values Living between two cultures Travel and migration Feelings about change Poverty (e.g. contrasting the developed western world with developing countries). Protest and politics |