

Edward is the brother who was given away.   He grows up as Edward Lyons, with everything that money can buy - clothes, toys, private school, university, family business, MONEY.




Start this study by thinking about what kind of person you would EXPECT a young man growing up in those circumstances to be like.




To Think About:

1.  Use the STORY to make a list of the main things Edward DOES in the play.

2.  "Edward is to blame for the disaster".   Do you agree?

3.  What are the main ASPECTS of Edward's character?

4.  Think about how Edward's CHARACTER affects the EVENTS of the play.





From the 6 quotes following, select the 3 which tell you most about the character of Edward, and analyse them to suggest WHAT they tell you.



1.   EDWARD: Hello, Mrs Johnstone.   How are you?


EDWARD: I'm sorry.   Is there something wrong?

MRS JOHNSTONE:  No, I just ... I don't usually have kids enquiring about my health.   I'm alright.   An' how are you, Master Lyons?

EDWARD: Very well, thank you.

MRS JOHNSTONE:  Yeh.   You look it.   Does your mother look after you?

EDWARD: Of course.


2.   My best friend, he could swear like a soldier.

You would laugh till you died all the stories he told you.

He was untidy from Monday till Friday

I wish that I could be like

Kick a ball and climb a tree like

Run around with dirty knees like my friend.


3.   If I was him I'd bring you flowers and ask you dance.

We'd while away the hours making future plans

For rainy days in country lanes and trips to the sea

I'd just tell you that I love you if it was me.

But I'm not saying a word...


4.   EDWARD: What's wrong, Mickey?  

MICKEY: Nothin'.   How's University?

EDWARD: Mickey, it's fantastic.   I haven't been to so many parties in my life.   And there's just so many tremendous people, but you'll meet them, Mickey, some of them - Baz, Ronnie and Clare and, ooh, lots of them.   They're coming over to stay for the New Year, for the party.   Ooh it's just ... it's great, Mickey.


5.   Why is a job so important?   If I couldn't get a job, I'd just say, sod it and draw the dole, live like a bohemian, tilt my hat to the world and say 'screw you'.   So you're not working,   Why is it so important?


6.   MICKEY: How's University?

EDWARD: I thought we were always stuck together.   I though we were ... blood brothers.

MICKEY: That was kid's stuff, Eddie.   Didn't anyone tell y'?   But I suppose you still are a kid, aren't y'?

EDWARD: I'm exactly the same age as you, Mickey.

MICKEY: Yeh, but you're still a kid.